This is what our innovation network is working on:
invisible organs instead of lifelong immunosuppression.

Network Structure

Network Management

Prof. Dr. Rainer Blasczyk
Hannover Medical University (MHH)

Project Management

Subproject 1: Ex vivo Organ Modifikation
Prof. Dr. Rainer Blasczyk
Hannover Medical University (MHH)

Subproject 2: Ex vivo Perfusion System
Prof. Dr. Jens Hofschulte
University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HsH)

Subproject 3: Cost Analysis and Participation
Dr. Jan Zeidler
Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)

Subproject 1 is handled by ITM/MHH which is also in charge of the consortium. The project is managed by Prof. Blasczyk, who additionally coordinates the work in the innovation network and the cooperation between the partners. There will be a close collaboration with Subproject 2 of IKME/HsH in order to match the development requirements of organ engineering with the development work on the precision perfusion device that will be used for transplant engineering. In Subproject 3 of CHERH/LUH the economic conditions are analyzed in close cooperation with Subprojects 1 and 2, which is of particular importance for the subsequent translation into the clinical study.

Overview of the roles of the network partners and the cooperation partners of the innovation network. Prof. Blasczyk, MHH, is in charge of the consortium.